Population: 401762 Square Miles: 3321.953133 Latitude: 36.450732
Longitude: 121.528953
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Pacific UTC-8 Cities Aromas, Big Sur, Bradley, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Castroville, Chualar, Del Rey Oaks, Fort Hunter Liggett, Gonzales, Greenfield, Jolon, King City, Lockwood, Marina, Monterey, Moss Landing, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, Presidio of Monterey, Prunedale, Salinas, San Ardo, San Lucas, Sand City, Seaside, Soledad, Spreckels Zip Codes
95004 93920 93426 93921 93922 93923 93924 95012 93925 93940 93928 93926 93927 93930 93932 93933 93942 93943 93944 95039 93950 93953 93907 93901 93902 93905 93906 93908 93912 93915 93962 93450 93954 93955 93960