Official Website
Population: 723419 Square Miles: 500.667108 Latitude: 42.635475
Longitude: -70.970827
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Eastern UTC-5 Cities Amesbury, Andover, Beverly, Boxford, Bradford, Byfield, Danvers, East Lynn, Essex, Georgetown, Gloucester, Groveland, Hamilton, Hathorne, Haverhill, Ipswich, Lawrence, Lynn, Lynnfield, Manchester, Manchester by the Sea, Marblehead, Merrimac, Methuen, Middleton, Nahant, Newbury, Newburyport, North Andover, Peabody, Prides Crossing, Rockport, Rowley, Salem, Salisbury Beach, Salisbury, Saugus, South Hamilton, Swampscott, Topsfield, Ward Hill, Wenham, West Boxford, West Lynn, West Newbury Zip Codes
01913 01810 01812 01899 05501 05544 01915 01921 01835 01922 01923 01904 01929 01833 01930 01931 01834 01936 01982 01937 01830 01831 01832 01938 01840 01841 01842 01843 01901 01902 01903 01905 01910 01940 01944 01945 01860 01844 01949 01908 01951 01950 01845 01960 01961 01965 01966 01969 01970 01971 01952 01906 01907 01983 01984 01885 01985