Population: 660448 Square Miles: 709.093032 Latitude: 35.509671
Longitude: -97.496525
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Central UTC-6 Cities Arcadia, Bethany, Choctaw, Del City, Edmond, Forest Park, Harrah, Jones, Lake Aluma, Luther, Midwest City, Moore, Newalla, Nichols Hills, Nicoma Park, Oklahoma City (part), Smith Village, Spencer, The Village, Tinker Air Force Base, Valley Brook, Warr Acres, Wheatland, Woodlawn Park Zip Codes
73007 73008 73020 73115 73135 73165 73003 73013 73034 73083 73045 73049 73054 73110 73130 73140 73145 73153 73160 73170 74857 73116 73120 73066 73084 73122 73123 73132 73097