Population: 44301 Square Miles: 6286.784632 Latitude: 41.614943
Longitude: 122.502816
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Pacific UTC-8 Cities Callahan, Dorris, Dunsmuir, Edgewood, Etna, Forks of Salmon, Fort Jones, Gazelle, Greenview, Grenada, Happy Camp, Hornbrook, Horse Creek, Klamath River, Macdoel, McCloud, Montague, Mount Shasta, Sawyers Bar, Scott Bar, Seiad Valley, Somes Bar, Tulelake, Weed, Yreka Zip Codes
96014 96023 96025 96094 96027 96031 96032 96034 96037 96038 96039 96044 96050 96058 96057 96064 96067 96085 96086 95568 96134 96097