Population: 458614 Square Miles: 1575.87832 Latitude: 38.440089
Longitude: 122.768624
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Pacific UTC-8 Cities Annapolis, Bodega, Bodega Bay, Boyes Hot Springs, Camp Meeker, Cazadero, Cloverdale, Cotati, Duncans Mills, El Verano, Eldridge, Forestville, Freestone, Fulton, Geyserville, Glen Ellen, Graton, Guerneville, Healdsburg, Jenner, Kenwood, Larkfield, Monte Rio, Occidental, Penngrove, Petaluma, Rio Nido, Rohnert Park, Russian River Mdws, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Sonoma, Stewarts Point, The Sea Ranch, Valley Ford, Villa Grande, Vineburg, Windsor Zip Codes
95412 94922 94923 95416 95419 95421 95425 94926 94927 94928 94931 95430 95433 95431 95436 95472 95439 95441 95442 95444 95446 95448 95450 95452 95403 95462 95465 94951 94952 94953 94954 94955 94975 94999 95471 95401 95402 95404 95405 95406 95407 95408 95409 95473 95476 95480 95445 95497 94972 95486 95487 95492