Population: 210528 Square Miles: 953.150059 Latitude: 28.795924
Longitude: -81.747696
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Eastern UTC-5 Cities Altoona, Astatula, Astor, Clermont, Deer Island, Dona Vista, Eustis, Ferndale, Fruitland Park, Grand Island, Groveland, Haines Creek, Howey-in-the-Hills, Lady Lake, Leesburg, Mascotte, Minneola, Montverde, Mount Dora, Mount Plymouth, Okahumpka, Paisley, Sorrento, Tavares, The Villages (part), Umatilla, Yalaha Zip Codes
32702 34705 32102 34711 34712 34713 34714 34715 32778 32784 32726 32727 32736 34729 34731 32735 34736 34788 32158 32159 32162 34748 34749 34789 34753 34755 34756 32756 32757 32776 34762 32767 34797