Population: 105848 Square Miles: 403.294535 Latitude: 39.456887
Longitude: -87.391268
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Eastern UTC-5 Cities Fayette Township, Fontanet, Harrison Township, Honey Creek Township, Lewis, Linton Township, Lost Creek Township, Nevins Township, New Goshen, North Terre Haute, Otter Creek Township, Pierson Township, Pimento, Prairie Creek Township, Prairieton Township, Riley, Saint Mary of the Woods, Sandford, Seelyville, Shepardsville, Sugar Creek Township, Terre Haute (part), West Terre Haute Zip Codes
47851 47858 47863 47805 47866 47871 47876 47885 47878 47880 Freecycle Groups