Population: 195277 Square Miles: 662.875088 Latitude: 39.46373
Longitude: -77.413925
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Eastern UTC-5 Cities Adamstown, Braddock Heights, Brunswick, Buckeystown, Burkittsville, Doubs, Emmitsburg, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Graceham, Ijamsville, Jefferson, Knoxville, Ladiesburg, Lewistown, Libertytown, Middletown, Monrovia, Mount Airy (part), Myersville, New Market, New Midway, Point of Rocks, Rocky Ridge, Rosemont, Sabillasville, Thurmont, Tuscarora, Unionville, Walkersville, Woodsboro Zip Codes
21710 21714 21716 21717 21718 21727 21702 21701 21703 21704 21705 21709 21788 21754 21755 21758 21759 21762 21769 21770 21773 21774 21775 21777 21778 21780 21790 21792 21793 21798