Population: 62223 Square Miles: 506.757509 Latitude: 39.356909
Longitude: -82.075082
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Eastern UTC-5 Cities Albany (part), Alexander Township, Ames Township, Amesville, Athens (part), Bern Township, Buchtel, Canaan Township, Carbondale, Carthage Township, Chauncey, Coolville, Dover Township, Glouster, Guysville, Hockingport, Jacksonville, Lee Township, Lodi Township, Millfield, Nelsonville, New Marshfield, Rome Township, Shade, Sharpsburg, Stewart, The Plains, Torch, Trimble, Troy Township, Waterloo Township, York Township Zip Codes
45711 45777 45716 45717 45719 45723 45732 45735 45739 45740 45761 45764 45766 45701 45776 45778 45780 45782 Freecycle Groups