Population: 378098 Square Miles: 576.136229 Latitude: 40.819408
Longitude: -81.383599
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Eastern UTC-5 Cities Alliance (part), Beach City, Bethlehem Township, Brewster, Canal Fulton, Canton, East Canton, East Sparta, Greentown, Hartville, Hills and Dales, Jackson Belden, Jackson Township, Lake Township, Lawrence Township, Lexington Township, Limaville, Louisville, Magnolia (part), Marlboro Township, Massillon, Maximo, Meyers Lake (part), Middlebranch, Minerva (part), Navarre, Nimishillen Township, North Canton, North Industry, North Lawrence, Osnaburg Township, Paris Township, Perry Township, Pike Township, Plain Township, Robertsville, Sandy Township, Sugar Creek Township, Tuscarawas Township, Washington Township, Waynesburg, Wilmot Zip Codes
44608 44613 44614 44701 44702 44703 44704 44705 44706 44707 44708 44709 44710 44711 44712 44714 44718 44720 44721 44730 44735 44750 44760 44767 44798 44799 44626 44630 44632 44640 44641 44646 44647 44648 44650 44652 44662 44666 44670 45429 45440 45458 45459 45475 44688 44689