Population: 293768 Square Miles: 1044.02824 Latitude: 30.265414
Longitude: -95.465037
(Information from the US Census Bureau - for statistical purposes only) Time Zone:
Central UTC-6 Cities Conroe, Cut and Shoot, Dobbin, Grangerland, Houston (part), Magnolia, Montgomery, New Caney, Oak Ridge North, Panorama Village, Patton Village, Pinehurst, Porter, Roman Forest, Shenandoah, Splendora, Spring, Stagecoach, The Woodlands, Tomball (part), Willis, Woodbranch, Woodloch Zip Codes
77301 77302 77303 77304 77305 77306 77384 77385 77333 77353 77354 77355 77316 77356 77357 77362 77365 77381 77372 77373 77379 77380 77382 77383 77386 77387 77388 77389 77391 77393 77318 77378